Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bald and the Beautiful :) :) :)

I had two options ...... no hair (courtesy dad) or premature grey hair (courtesy mom)......I got the former .......... thank the good lord I didn't get both :)
So now that I am blessed with this sparsely populated foliage over my head, which only seems to be getting thinner every year, I found myself spending considerable amount of time in the departmental stores looking for the right know..... miracle types.
My rommie saw me in one such situation, and being type who has "been there and done that" (he is bald), decided to share his wisdom on hair loss. He said I was in what he describes as the Stage 2 and that as time goes no I shall progress from one stage to the other only to end up with his version of "eternal peace" a.k.a Stage 4.
The stages as he mentioned were:
Stage 1. - Denial
Stage 2. - Trial
Stage 3. - Frustration
Stage 4. - Acceptance
So now with this new found knowledge, I decided save myself the time and the money of Stage 2 and 3. I decided that if its meant to be, so be it. I shall use all the gels in the world, spike up my hair, try and grow it longer than 1.5cm (which has been my hair style for over 7 years) one final act of defiance ....go down in a blaze of glory.......... or so in a nutshell, "make hay while the sun shines"
...... and then......... it happened..........
Dove launched a new hair fall control shampoo....I am now 2 weeks into it and yes..........hoping for a miracle !!! : ) :)


spoovaya said...

Yee ha ha!! Poor V-man!! I didn't know about this situation. And so young too. Sigh! Oh well C'est la vie!