Monday, April 28, 2008

Maggi and me

I felt nostalgic yesterday....... I had just had my last "Maggi", the last of 15, I brought from India...that meant just one thing........"mama I'm coming home" :) :) :)

I actually very consciously kept the last one for the last Sunday in US.

It feels like just yesterday, when I landed here and this big African-American immigration official looked me in the eyes and asked...." so how much Maggi you got in there????" When I replied 5....he went "that's it".....I then said "family packs", only to hear a sigh of relief from him. It was more like, "he just like the rest of them" :) :)

Must have really baked his noodles for a long time (pun intended) when he asked me, "tell me something, how expensive is this thing all you guys bring from India?"

On hearing the prices his jaws literally dropped and then with a big smile he let me go.


Anonymous said...

"Oh maggi(e) I couldnt have tried any more
You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and thats what really hurt"
-Rod Stewart

spoovaya said...

Haha this one's really funny!! 'I landed here and this big African-American immigration official looked me in the eyes and asked...." so how much Maggi you got in there????" When I replied 5....he went "that's it".....I then said "family packs", only to hear a sigh of relief from him. It was more like, "he just like the rest of them" :) :)' soooper!!