Saturday, April 12, 2008

looking back with 2 weeks to spare!!!

So as another weekend passes by without much happening , and as the final date for leaving the US draw near, I am actually starting to feel that I will... miss this place!!!

Its still snowing here, even 3 weeks since the so called beginning of Spring. On seeing my disgusted face, my senior exec, remarked," I wonder how a person would feel, coming from a place which was so very hot, and then finally landing up in a place like Minneapolis, for the only dastardly 3 months in a year, when all u get it sub zero temperature ". I couldn't help but laugh. He was right. I have seen the weather change more erratically than a woman's mood swings during her period!!! and this is the exact weather I always hated from the bottom of my gut, dull gloomy and downright pathetic. For me, this is more than enough to screw up a perfectly good day....and to tell you the truth, I have had more than enough of them here.

The food here was all together another story. Potatoes all day....different sizes...round, square, cubes, flat, round...guess u get the picture!!!! Initially it was good, then got boring, then indifferent :) For person who has no dietary restrictions, and more or less, eats anything and every thing served, I got tired of the food. Too bland, too raw and to repetitive. I loved the lunch....for its variety but the dinner and breakfast started to bore me (I actually skipped breakfast today to blog.....and I don't miss it much).

But after all this whining....I must say that the work and the people I met were just amazing. The freedom and the respect you get for your views is something that's missing in India. You can be anybody and anywhere on the corporate ladder and you can still have your voice heard. In a nutshell, the work culture is different. I am yet to put a finger on the right word...but I like it :)

Now, about the work it all fine...but the people you meet outside....hmmm ...its a whole new experience alltogether. Though most dont give a damn, a few look at you like u as though your the next Bin Laden in the making!!! Cant blame them though......if I could have one of my colleagues mistake me for a Muslim....even though she knew my name. Its not like in India where your attacked my maniacal Pakistani militants all day, the extent that you get desensitised to it. The wounds fresh here and the Iraq wars is only adding salt to the wound.

But the best part here is, life is a lot more systematical....filled with rules...I LIKE RULES!!!!! I like when u have rights and wrongs all laid out in front of you. Call it human nature...... but it definitely makes you feel safe.

So the simple question that I am asked after all this is.....would you want to settle down here? No way!!!! Its all great place to visit......but its still not home :)


Meenakshi Rehani said...

dude, honestly.. when you grow that little stubble on your chin, you do look muslim..

and a good looking one that too..

Nitin said...


spoovaya said...