So another frustu blog !!!!!!!!!!! :)
When was it a crime to give 100% to your work? When did the proverb "when a jobs worthwhile doing....its worth while doing it well" loose significance?
But, I get told (and its only gone up lately), "you are always so "excited" about what you do!!!!", "why do u show the same gusto to a boring job as you do to an interesting job???", " You know what, u'l make a bad manager if you go on like this" blah blah blah.....
To my defence, I'd could some one ever settle for mediocrity in anything??? I do accept that 3 out of 5 people I have worked with have had a problem keeping pace with me or even working with me and my style of approach....but then is it possible I have only met the wrong type of people??
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