Monday, January 05, 2009

The perfect picture

Its been some time since I took a good pic . Infact, in the last year there are only three such pics (displayed below).

Both the times I saw my subject and I instantly knew it...I had been put in the right place and the right time!!!

My heart beat faster, my fingers got all messed up on my camera controls and I had to literally calm myself before I took the shot. I knew how the pic would look like when I developed it. The aperture and shutter settings were a piece of bracketing the shot. It was all spot on. Infact the feeling is so overwhelming. The closest feeling is that of an adrenaline rush when u rest after a good workout.
Hoping for many such this year :) :)


Sipul said...

good work. any reason why you did not take the first one in color ? I thought a red sky and blue water would have been magical as well.

Nitin said...

Thanks Vivek :)

The pic in B/W had brown muddy water and a grey sky (clowd day). The water in particular would have distracted the viewers attention from the family on the bridge. Thats how I saw it :)

the lazy knight said...

i love the last pic on the train...i think its beautiful...captures the bonding between father and son perfectly

Pratap said...

Love the last pic dude. A simultaneous feeling of rush and calm in blue and yellow.

sudharm baxi said...

The second pic is damn good.
Beautiful light effects.

You did a tough job of adding beauty to a beautiful sculpture.
Keep going!!

Aditi..............:) said...

I absolutely loved this pic.....really good one :)
btw nice blog you have here....:)
I am blogrolling you!