I walked into the station to buy a ticket home. It was just another long day at work and everything around me, the noise, the people, the dogs...yup...... everything and anything around me had begun to irritate me.
As I went in, a beggar approached me. He was old, easily pushing sixty or probably older. His legs were skinny and he had barely enough clothes to cover his back. A long stick is all that helped him stand straight.
I continued to ingone him, as I put my hands in my pocket to pull my wallet to pay for the ticket.
Suddenly, his hands made a mad dash for my wallet. I managed to pull it away, and while the shock had still not left me, I stared at him, first dumbfounded, later screaming verbal abuses at him.
He fell down and went into a foetal position. I continued to scream at him before a deciding that he had had enough.
I left the counter, contented with myself, with him on the floor and a croud of people laughing at him.
Not once did it occur to me how desperate he might have been at that moment. He knew he could not run and that it would have been a futile effort, even if he had got his hands to my wallet. Not once did I think as to how many days of wreched hunger made him do what he did.....I guess I am changing now.... or should I say...I have just become one with the croud.