Sunday, September 21, 2008

Flickr Group

Spent this Sunday with a bunch of people I met on a flickr....The Photography Club of Mumbai. Meeting for the first time today we were a group of 8: 6 guys and 2 gals ....
Profiles: ENT Surgeon from Australia, Statistician from Morgan Stanley, a software engineer, a Marketing professional, NSE analyst, Freelance Editor and of course Business Consultants (me:) and my roomie).

We met up at 11am and started from the CCD near Sterling. With no definite route, we moved around town through crazy unknown roads (we actually were zigzagging the route...because i remember being in Ballad Estate, Dalal Street, Asiatic Library, Mehta road, etc etc etc.)

We were attacked my dogs on 2 occasions :P (poor mutts got pissed when a few of us sat down to take a pics in the middle of "their" road)
Mondy's was our refueling station -a couple of beers and some good pasta. Our final hault was Gateway of India before turning back. All in all, good day :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Discovering photoshop!!!

Yes have discovered photoshop... and some (pratap, gowish, vivek, etc etc) may say "at last" :P
So to experiment with it, me decided to try me hand on a few pic me had taken earlier...

P.S: I have only reached the "cut copy paste" feature yet....but then...its a start!!! way easier than doing it screen shot> paintbrush> word> screenshot> paintbrush...hehehehe :)